According to to a recent study conducted by a United Nations agency, 48% of the total population on Earth has now gained access to the Internet

And unlike any traditional educational platforms that we had in the past, the Internet has more freedom in it, but it does come with a cost. Cited from another source, Deutsche Welle (DW), false news are 70% more likely to be shared among Internet users. And when it comes to tech information, we know that such consumption of false knowledge may cost you hundreds of dollars, if not thousands.

Here, you do not need to worry! Our team on this portal always fact checks our sources and claims. And for product reviews, we only publish gadgets that we have tried before.

Also, we appreciate any constructive suggestions. We believe that the best way to develop the quality of our website is by getting our audience directly involved. Never feel discouraged from sending your inquiries to us. We will gladly take the time to answer each one.